Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Creation
Our staff of experienced professionals work with the local jurisdictional authorities to get the storm water pollution prevention plan you need created, reviewed, edited, and approved. We can update a previously existing plan or create one from scratch; you direct us in the level of your need. We will analyze your site’s specific needs, even down to the soil and sediment conditions.
We can also create site plans and surveys as needed to comply with local requirements. Once the plan has been approved, we can help you keep in compliance going forward with our full menu of storm water related services.
Helpful Informational Guides
- Dog Waste Brochure
- Fats, Oil, Grease, and the Environment
- Start a grassroots movement. Don’t over fertilize.
- Less Toxic Alternatives to Hazardous Household Products
- Residential Green Infrastructure Guide
- We use available data to create your site plan, including watershed models like this one of Harris County.
- This graphic shows the flow of compliance enforcement from the EPA down to the individual.
- Let us help you plan your site’s storm water facilities, inspection program and Best Management Practices.
- The soils pyramid is an older but still widely used tool in identifying soils on a site.
Construction/SWPPP Inspections
Let us create your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for construction and then handle the week to week services for your site. Our staff of experienced professionals work with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to get the SWPPP you need created, reviewed, edited, and approved, helping you comply with the TPDES and NPDES.
If Your Property Suffers From Poor Drainage, Double Oak Storm Tex Can Help You
From booting and piping down spouts off of roof drains, to regrading low lying areas, we are your solution. Call us today for an on-site consultation: 832-510-7250
Industrial/MSGP Monitoring & Lab Sampling
The TCEQ has renewed the TPDES Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for industrial facilities, TXR050000, which is valid August 14, 2016 through August 2021. Also called the Industrial Storm Water Permit. All existing permit holders must have renewed within the allotted window (August 14, 2016 through November 14, 2016) or they will have been forced into re-applying for coverage altogether. Double Oak Storm Tex is poised to assist you in the renewal of YOUR industrial storm water permit! Call us today at 832-510-7250 or email us at
TCEQ industrial storm water permits can be confusing, but it’s our goal to take the headache out of the process. When it comes to Stormwater Management, Double Oak Storm Tex is the home of your trusted business advisors and stormwater investment specialists. We fill out and file the notice of intent for you, perform the quarterly inspections with supporting photographs, and handle the site-specific laboratory services. If you need a plan or to have yours updated, we can also handle this for you at a very affordable rate. We work with the local jurisdictional agencies to maintain your compliance. You’ve got enough to think about, let us take this load off of your shoulders.
We seek to partner with you and your site to search the wide array of compliance resources available and provide you with the best solution at a fair price.
We also offer digital rain gauges and weather stations to help minimize the paperwork and personnel cost associated with keeping track of the data required for your industrial permit.
Some of the benefits include:
- Digital Collection, Logging and Readout of Up to the Minute Rainfall Events
- Alerts for High Wind, High or Low Temperature or Different levels of Rainfall Events
- Remote access to data from the Weather Station
- Saves money on the Human cost of manual rain gauges or missed rainfall events
- Helps keep track of rainfall events for down or lost time
- Wireless installation, Remote Monitoring online, and Easy to use software included
- Meets TCEQ, and Local Jurisdictional Requirements for your site
We partner with different manufacturers to find the proper and correct Best Management Practice for your site, including erosion control blankets, turf reinforcement mats, inlet protection, Filtrexx logs, and more! Email us for more information!
Inlet Insert Filters

The FlexStorm Inlet removes trash, debris, sediment and even any oil from runoff prior to entering the storm sewer system.
Storm water consultants and consumers across the country now have a universal structural BMP to address the issue of storm sewer inlet protection. The FLeXstorm system is inexpensive, configurable and adjustable and offers more versatility to fit the wide array of drainage structures throughout the United States while offering various levels of filtration. FLeXstorm Inlet Filters are the preferred choice for inlet protection and storm water runoff control.
These FLeXstorm units are comprised of a configurable, adjustable Inlet Filter suspension system supporting a suspended sediment bag, which filters the storm water runoff below grade through a geotextile fabric with a typical flow rate of 145 gpm. The FLeXstorm Inlet Filter System sediment bags are clog resistant Woven Monofilament geotextiles for high silt jobsites, and oil absorption and hydrocarbon removal booms. On construction sites, using these inlet inserts as a BMP, once a job is complete the re-usable filter frame system can be cleaned, removed and carried to the next jobsite equipped with a new sediment bag (if needed) using only a screwdriver.
- Configurable: Steel frames configured to fit ANY storm drainage structure
- Adjustable: Rectangular frames are adjustable in 1/2″ increments up to 5″ per side
- Reusable: Replaceable geotextile sediment bags designed for construction or post construction applications
- Affordable: Low per-unit cost; installs in seconds; easily maintained with Universal Removable Tool (no machinery required)
- Effective: Works below grade; overflow feature allows streets to drain with full bag; prevents ponding
Inlet Insert Maintenance
Part of the inspection process is to determine the wear and tear on the consumable storm boom. On GRATE INLET SKIMMER BASKETS (GISB) units, the process includes emptying the basket of debris and sediments as well as replacing the storm boom when needed. The storm boom should be replaced when it starts to darken and appears saturated or begins to break apart. On ADS FlexStorm units there is either a storm boom around the perimeter at the top or a floating absorbent storm boom. In either case, this storm boom should be replaced when it starts to darken and appears saturated or begins to break apart. Call us today for a site inspection and evaluation of your inlet inserts to determine what condition and possible maintenance may be needed to keep your site in compliance.
- (Before) Grated Inlet Skimmer Baskets must be maintained in order to keep them functioning and in compliance.
- (After) Grated Inlet Skimmer Baskets must be maintained in order to keep them functioning and in compliance.
Construction & Industrial Sites Employee Training
The EPA does require that all sites with with a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan provide employee training. They state: Stormwater training is required for all employees who work in areas where industrial activities or material handling activities are exposed to stormwater, or who are responsible for implementing activities necessary to meet the conditions of this permit . These employees include inspectors, maintenance personnel, and all members of your Pollution Prevention Team . The training session or sessions are expected to cover the contents of the facility SWPPP, control measures implemented to achieve compliance with applicable discharge requirements, spill containment and cleanup procedures, maintenance, monitoring, inspection, planning, reporting, and documentation requirements.
EPA recommends that training be conducted for any applicable employees at least annually and whenever a new employee starts who meets the description above. You should have a sign-in/sign-out sheet at each training class to document that employees have participated . Keep the sign-in/sign-out sheet with your SWPPP.
Double Oak Storm Tex is prepared to assist in your training requirements. We offer no minimums on attendees, informative videos for better retainment, and a short, fun but effective quiz to assure everyone is paying attention, along with required sign in sheet for your records. The cost of non-compliance or violation is a lot more expensive than keeping up with your annual training. Call us today for your free estimate on required employee training.
- Training employees about stormwater on their own turf helps connect the dots.
- Employees that understand the WHY of stormwater will be much more likely to assist in the compliance process.
- Sometimes the best management practices are simple good housekeeping measures which prevent non-stormwater discharges on your site.
Pond Maintenance, Overhauls, Rehabilitations, Repairs, and Re-Seeding
Whether your detention pond has been neglected for years or has been scrupulously manicured, we can do it. When it comes to Stormwater Management, Double Oak Storm Tex is the home of your trusted business advisors and stormwater investment specialists.
We do complete pond overhauls, rehabilitations, repairs, and re-seeding. We can also provide you with turf establishment on a new or recently graded pond. We also perform overseeding of existing ponds with Bermuda in the warm months and with Rye in the cool months, both along with fertilizer to strengthen the roots and stems of the plants.
Detention ponds are typically designed with some form of vegetation as the erosion controlling agent. The care and maintenance of this grass should not be taken lightly, as the alternatives are concreting the pond at enormous costs or re-digging and rehabilitating the pond every few years at a large cost. It is much more affordable and better for the site and the environment, to properly maintain a stand of grass, rather than the previously mentioned alternatives.
Proper maintenance varies from site to site depending on soil type, annual rainfall amounts, steepness of slopes, etc… but the basic outline is as follows: Mowing monthly, and the reason for this is to keep the grass low. This does not mean scalping the grass on each service, as that can also burn the vegetation. Try to keep the grass anywhere from 3″ to 12″. This will allow the grass to remain healthy while also keeping it short enough to force it to grow sideways and down (read: controlling erosion).
- Seeder and implanter attachment at work on a pond.
- Concrete channel cleaning.
- Amenity pond with walking trail.
What About Sandy Clay?
Soil is the building block that stormwater plans and strategies should be based upon. You need to know what characteristics you are up against or are in your favor on each site and even sub areas of a site.
This is an example of a sandy clay soil with a deposit layer of calcium carbonate or calciferous nodules. When found naturally occurring on a site, you must overcome them with a more aggressive maintenance program. The basic micro and macro nutrients of a plant include calcium, however it is bound up in such a way that the vegetation can’t use it and so it actually repels the vegetation.
The same situation is happening in this photo which shows a sandy clay soil with a layer of iron oxide or iron ore pellets. Again, the vegetation can’t use this iron like it is and so it is repelled.
Fertilizer of your choosing should be added at least once and up to 3 or more times per year based on the need. Consult a professional for more help on this. We also recommend overseeding the pond with Rye seedevery Fall. This does a few things. It allows the Rye grass to actively grow on the pond which means it will be controlling erosion and using up damaging water on the soil while Bermuda or other warm weather grasses are going into hibernation. Its clippings act as a slow release compost fertilizer for the warm season grasses in the Spring. Finally it looks great. There is no reason to have your pond look great in the Spring/Summer and then fall apart and deteriorate in the Fall/ Winter. Its affordable and effective. We also recommend that certain sites get overseeded in the Spring with Bermuda seed to reinforce the grass that exists and help control erosion even further. Inspections are a preventative maintenance practice. Checking on the condition of the slopes, the outfall pipes and other features of a pond can alert the customer of an up and coming problem that can be addressed for a fraction of the cost of waiting until it all falls apart. Furthermore, if your pond is permitted, the inspections are a required best management practice…which would include photos, inspection report and any applicable recommendations. Call us at 832-510-7250 for a consultation, and we will help you make sense of your detention pond’s needs.
- We get in to get the job done.
- Property fertilized and over seeded pond.
- Walking a pond during an inspection.
Post Construction

When it comes to Stormwater Management, Double Oak Storm Tex is the home of your trusted business advisors and stormwater investment specialists. We use the most current available data to create your site plan, including watershed models like this one of Harris County.
According to the EPA and the TCEQ, all Phase 1 and Phase 2 Municipalities are required to submit for coverage under the MS4 General Permit (TXR040000). Any urbanized areas larger than 10,000 people are required to manage their storm water runoff through structural and non-structural practices. We assist cities, counties and other municipalities to prepare their tenants of stormwater management for their MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system) as well as assist in the inspection and maintenance of their watershed. Some of the requirements of the 6 minimum control measures we help groups with are:
- public education and outreach
- public involvement or participation
- detection and elimination of illicit discharges
- controls for storm water runoff from construction sites
- post-construction storm water management in areas of new development and redevelopment
- pollution prevention and “good housekeeping” measures for municipal operations
The biggest process for most MS4 operators with regards to stormwater management is the education and awareness for both employees and their public. We offer classes, seminars, training and consulting to MS4’s, developers, engineers and contractors alike.
Find out how we can assist with permit renewal where you are?
Pump Service and Lift Station Repair
Whether you have a full lift station or a simple stormwater pump, we can help you. From scheduled maintenance to removal of sediments, from checking the breakers and fuses to entire pump repair/replacement and even panel adjustments or replacement, Double Oak Storm Tex can get your water flowing again. When it comes to Stormwater Management, Double Oak Storm Tex is the home of your trusted business advisors and stormwater investment specialists.
Regular inspections and adjustment services are tailored to your site’s specific needs. We can bring any necessary equipment to prevent flooding during repair and maintenance.
Our low hourly rates for site visits include simple adjustments and diagnostics, and checking for issues with fuses & breakers, replacing as needed. We will not proceed with any major repairs or replacements of contacts, controllers, drives or pumps until the customer has approved the quote.
Call us now to have a tech inspect and analyze your lift station today!
- Burnt starter coil.
- Lift station inspection and testing.
- Installation of a new vertical drive lift station motor.
A top priority of the EPA is to get facilities where they can prevent, prepare for, and respond to oil spills that occur in and around inland waters of the United States.
The EPA is the overseeing agency for oil spills occurring on land that discharges into or in inland waters. If there is a spill in coastal waters and deepwater ports, then the US Coast Guard is the supervising agency.
There are 2 parts to the EPA’s oil spill prevention program that include the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) and the Facility Response Plan (FRP) rules. The SPCC rule assists facilities in the safe movement, usage, and disposal of oils that could discharge into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. The FRP rule requires applicable facilities to submit a plan of action and preparation of how they would respond to a worst case oil discharge or threat of a discharge.
Our staff is poised to help your facility get into compliance with the required SPCC plan and inspection. We help you complete your reports and notices as well as offer consulting advice on better management practices.
Call today for more info @ 832-510-7250
Vacuum Services, Stormwater Interceptors, Sand oil Separators
We schedule the vacuum services when it’s convenient for you the customer. Our vacuum power is strong, our hoses are larger than standard vacuum trucks which allow us to get the trash out of the unit, and we always leave the location clean. When it comes to Stormwater Management, Double Oak Storm Tex is the home of your trusted business advisors and stormwater investment specialists. We aim to show up on time and get the job done with as little disruption to your day as possible. We supply before and after pictures of the unit, as well as all of the required manifests and documents needed for permit renewal or confirmation of clean out.
Not only do we coordinate your cleanout, we also perform storm maintenance and monitoring, periodic inspections and consult you on site conditions. These interceptor units are designed to catch the storm water runoff and all associated site pollutants.
We can also coordinate the video of your storm sewer lines to find lost junction boxes, locate misplaced manholes, search for leaks or broken pipe or determine if the lines need cleaning.
Get A Quote Today
Stormwater services available to fit our customers every need, in a timely and cost effective manner.