Applying for a State of Texas Industrial Stormwater Permit – The Texas Industrial Stormwater Permit known as a Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) is based on effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth by The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) permit No. TXR050000. Industrial facilities that meet certain Sector and SIC codes must apply for a Notice of Intent (NOI), perform inspections of the facility, train employees, and monitor water quality. Documentation for permit compliance must be kept at the facility and be available for review by city, county, state, or federal inspectors.
Steps Towards Compliance:
- Determine if a MSGP is required – All industrial facilities including manufacturing, shipping, oil & gas, etc. will require an MSGP or No Exposure Certification (NEC). The TXR050000 permit contains a detailed list of all Industrial Sectors and SIC Codes. The permit is available online through the TCEQ website.
- Determine if facility qualifies for a No Exposure Certification (NEC) – All industrial facilities must be covered by a permit or certificate. Some facilities may qualify for a NEC if the facility can show that it has no outdoor storage or hazardous contaminates that may harm water quality. This certification requires an annual inspection to ensure conditions remain safe to the environment, but does not require the extensive inspections, documentation, and testing that the MSGP does.
- Create a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) – If determined that the facility does require the full MSGP the facility must create a SWPPP before applying for a NOI. The plan includes:
- Basic facility information
- The NOI once received
- The SWPPP team members
- SWPPP Maps – facility drainage, flow and material storage, vicinity map. and TCEQ water body segment maps
- Potential pollutant sources
- Pollution prevention measures and controls
- Inspections
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Rain Gauge Data and Spill / Leak Log
- TXR050000 permit
NOTE: The SWPPP must be prepared by a certified SWPPP preparer and will require a site visit by the preparer.
- Apply for the Notice of Intent – Once the SWPPP is complete, the applicant may apply for a NOI. All applications must be submitted through the TCEQ STEERS web portal. The application process can be confusing for the first time user. The applicant must set up an account through STEERS and verify identity by providing Texas driver’s license information. Once approved, the applicant has the ability to prepare, sign, pay, and submit the NOI to TCEQ. There is a $100 fee for new industrial NOIs. Upon successful completion, all necessary documents are accessible through the STEERS website and should be printed for the SWPPP.
- Implement the Plan – After receiving the approved NOI the SWPPP plan must be implemented to keep the facility in compliance. This Includes:
- Installation of any structural control measures required by the SWPPP
- Annual and new employee training for stormwater pollution mitigation measures
- Rain gauge data records
- Spill and Leak records
- Quarterly routine and visual inspections
- Water quality sampling kits
- Annual or biannual (if required) water quality sampling to be tested by an approved lab
- Annual Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
- Annual Benchmark reports (if required)
- Annual SWPPP review and report to include any changes in the facility or SWPPP
Double Oak Storm-Tex is an expert in preparation of all industrial stormwater documents and submittal of a NOI permit application. Double Oak Storm-Tex can also perform the required quarterly inspections, provide lab kits for sampling, and prepare reports and documentation to keep your facility in compliance with your permit. Call us today for a free consultation and quote.